Happy 4th of July!

We hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!

We spent the day finishing up the wedding program, playing croquet and volleyball, bbq-ing, and watching fireworks. We are very fortunate to have time off to spend with family and friends.

Interestingly, we are going through a drought right now. Earlier this week we got a phone call from the water district telling us we had to cut back on usage because they were running out of water. This afternoon, we got a phone call from the town supervisor telling us that we are not allowed to water the lawn until further notice. I never thought two weeks before the wedding I would be wishing for rain but, things are so dry.

Thursday and Friday I was out in Montauk with my mother for some girl time! We had lots of fun. On Thursday evening, there were lots of sirens in town. Evidently, every time the train comes into the station the sparks start a brush fire because it is so dry. Many years ago, my family rented a house in Montauk for a month. While we were out there, there was a very large wild fire the consumed several acres of the Pine Barrens West of where we were staying. Things are finally getting green out there and you can barely tell that there was a fire. I just hope things cool down and we get some rain BEFORE THE WEDDING.

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