Charlie's First Mardi Gras

The hubby has been off for the last two days so, we've been having a bit of a staycation. I love the fact that his job gives him vacation days! (None of his others ever did.)

This morning the hubby made some pancakes to kick start the morning. We picked up a museum pass from the library yesterday and headed to the Cradle of Aviation and the Carousel. (There will be many fun pictures in a separate post.) Afterwards we made a pilgrimage to Babies R Us. I hate going to that store alone so I keep a running list for when someone is home to go with me. Then of course we were starving and headed to Fairway.

Fairway Market is the most incredible supermarket. It made it real easy to have  "Fat" Tuesday. This market is a Wegmans + Whole Foods + Natural Market all in one convenient place. They have the most incredible coffee beans, cafe, and cheese shops inside. We picked up things for dinner - manicotti, meatballs, and grilled brussels sprouts!

I had this grand plan I would bake a King Cake but, since it never happened. My mom gracious ran to a local bakery and got one for dessert. I cannot tell you how yummy it was. (We still have a ton leftover.) Maybe next year, I'll get around to baking one.

Tomorrow is going to be filled with lots of temptation because we have so many yummy goodies left from the festivities today. At the moment, I don't really have a plan for when we'll be going to get Ashes but, surely we'll head to our church during on of the FIVE Masses they're having tomorrow.

Earlier in the day #CathSorority was discussing whether or not little ones will have ashes placed on their foreheads. Apparently, the little ones (even before the age of reason) can get ashes, at the discretion of the person distributing them. I'm super psyched for tomorrow! Let the fasting begin!

This Lent is going to be incredible!

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